Sunday, February 28, 2010


It is a lovely day today. Misting, than raining, than misting again. But the silence is shatter by those retched little urchins that live down stairs. Despite my asking multiple times they insist on playing on the stairs. Now that isn't a horrible thing on its own, its just they are extremely loud. I don't blame them, they're just kids, but I still find it annoying. Days like today are for sitting with a book, or laptop, or doing homework (lol like I ever do homework). Oh well. They seem to have quieted down, maybe I will have a cup of tea :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In a really crappy mood

So today freaking sucked. I mean really really sucked. Not 5 minutes after I said today was great, it started sucking. All I want is for today to be over and get better. That is all I want...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The required sick blog

So I have a cold. I have had a cold for freaking months in some form or another. I am buzzed as I drank a glass of home brewed beer, lol thank goodness for that. AND NOW MY FREAKING MOVIE IS SKIPPING! WTF?! I understand things arn't perfect but I am sick of this. Can I just have something go acording to plan, like a movie play correctly? Ohwell, I guess it will get better. So yah, next time y'all have a cold, drink some home brewed beer, and watch old movies, it makes you feel way better...

P.S. On a different note. I really regret not being able to play an instrument. I really want to be able to play an instrument, any ideas what I should play? I'm thinking of the English Concertina. What do y'all think?