Sunday, November 29, 2009

Camping :)

Wow, so we went camping. IT WAS SO COLD!!! One night I slept in everything I had with me, like 6 or 7 layers on, and was still cold and shivering all night long. I had a really good time, but we had a tire go flat, 10 miles from the paved road, on a 4x4 dirt trail. I am just glad it all went well. Hopefully next time we will go some place a little less remote. At lease we had a good time.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I am so freaking sick of hearing people saying that Narvana sucks. They are fucking amazing!I mean come on, they totaly changed music! OK so the most common thing I have been hearing is that Kurt did drugs, so the fuck what?! I am so sick of this "but he did drugs so its bad" shit. COME ON! THINK! Just because the schools tell you drugs are bad it doesn't make it so. If you don't want to do them that's fine, its your choice. Those who chose to use tho are not bad or wrong, there just different! It's all about personal choice and responsibility. Kurt did drugs, and accepted what that meant, but he also made fucking awesome music. So please, you don't have to like Narvana, but recognize what they are, a fucking awesome pivotal band, who totally changed the face of music in America and deserves a little respect regardless of the substances used by the band members.